I was given this 1/32nd Revell Spitfire Mk.IIa in the form of a severe glue bomb for my birthday. The guy had hand painted it using enamel and it was bad (Really bad) but I was grateful. I searched the internet and tried many different suggested techniques to strip the enamel.
Eventually, I managed to get some off using (the most often suggested) oven cleaner, but by no means did oven cleaner do the job completely. Eventually, I managed to strip all the enamel by covering the model with strips of modelling tissue (for non- modellers: toilet paper) and soaking this with brake and clutch fluid.
After leaving it to soak overnight, I was able to scrub the old paint off by using a toothbrush. I then sprayed the whole lot with brake cleaner and again scrubbed with a toothbrush. This removed the last stubborn bits.
EDIT: Since having written the above, I have discovered Butyl Oxitol. This stuff removes paint like nobodys business!
Useful search terms for 2-butoxyethanol include “Butyl Cellosolve®,” “butyl oxitol,” “Dowanol® EB,” “EGBE,” “Ektasolve EB®,” “ethylene glycol monobutyl ether,” and “Jeffersol EB.”