Redneck Barn Find

Completed February 2018

This was my first detailed diorama. By “detailed” I mean: more stuff added than usual!!

Ok…. Compared to later builds it was still sparse, but at this stage, it had a lot of details.


For the car, I use the MPC - Pontiac GTO 1972 1:25 kit and it was horrendous!! The plastic was “podgy”, the sprue numbers blurred and the parts did not fit easily. Nonetheless, it was perfect for what I intended to do.  I did not take many photos of the build, so these will have to do.


I started with the car. Later on, I would start my dioramas by making the base first.


The base was made from a piece of 22mm pine. I made the surrounding wooden fence from coffee stirrers. Then I made the outhouse. That was good fun.  I used balsa wood that I stained an imbuia stain, followed by a brown wash. Then various light shades of grey. The balsa had some fine strands, which I wanted to singe off, but it caught fire and I ended up with a hole in the side. It added to the look, so I left it.

I made my own corrugated sheets and, as I had not yet learnt about (or acquired any) pigments, I used a combination of spices from the kitchen: paprika, red pepper, turmeric for weathering them. I first applied a layer of wood glue diluted with water, then started sprinkling the spices over until I had the

desired look. I added what I thought a redneck might have in his outhouse and did a dry fit on the base.

The car was added and the remaining junk was built and added to the diorama.

Note the spider web......


I made some more random stuff, applied some wood glue to the base, and sprinkled some green-dyed sawdust on for grass. The I added some more random junk to the scene.

I could not find a suitable dog, so decided to leave it to the viewer’s imagination what had happened to Cody.

I am pleased to say that this diorama took 3rd place in the Diorama category at the SA IPMS National Championships in 2018