Parked and Forgotten

Completed December 2018

The inspiration for this diorama was found on the internet. (Photo left, below). I used Fujimi’s  1/24th scale  911 turbo Porsche, Masterbox figures, and a resin telephone booth.

I started with the base. It was great to have a reference photo to work from as it eliminated the need for thinking, making this an easy build. 

And of course there has to be a phone booth!

Next: On with the car. It was a breeze to build this Fujimi kit (my first Fujimi).


I started with pink primer to let the red “pop”, then red, masked the whole body, and painted the trim. (All by airbrush).

I accidentally broke the windshield when cutting it off the sprue. This did not concern me too much though, as I knew the end result would hide it. (Which it did).

Then I did the interior and thought it would be a pity that one would not be able to see it after I had finished the diorama. I finished assemling the car (barring the wheels) before masking and painting the rear.

In the meantime, I made George and Maxx......

As always, I fist make it look pretty before any weathering. I took the photo of the shiny car for posterity, removed the wheels, and proceeded with the special effects.

The guy went for a drive and the car broke down so, he pulled up onto the curb - only to find that the phone was out of order.

They went walkies and came upon the abandoned car. Maxx promptly had an urge to show what he really thought of that car!

This build makes me smile when look at it. (Ok, more of a mischievous smirk than a smile). This is probably due to the fact that I have met quite a few people who consider themselves to be God’s gift to humanity – simply because they drive Porsches.



Now, as regards  Toyotas, Fords, Volkswagens, etc… I would never do this to one of those! (…… or would I…..?)