Hangar 17 - Old Plane Workshop

Completed March 2021

After having made the “Abandoned Nieuport” shadowbox diorama, I decided that I had to make another, more detailed one and in the same theme. This one would, however have more details and the lighting would be more elaborate and create the mood required by a shadowboxdiorama(also called a "mood box").

I used a 1/32nd Sopwith Camel, manufactured by Italeri.

Having found a cool reference picture on the internet of something similar to what I had in mind, I started by making the rafters, followed by the constructed of the walls. As the setting was a wooden barn, I needed to cut many small planks! The window pane panels were made from 1x1mm sections, carefully positioned and glued together.

However, I later discovered that I had made the rafters too thick and had to remake them.

Satisfied with the progress, I applied a medium dark wood stain, and randomly airbrushed some black for effect. I then made the roof and fitted the micro-LEDS along with the necessary (albeit VERY crude) electronics for the lighting.  The effect was as I had envisioned.

I then set about making the furnishings and 3D- printing the tools. Despite the learning curve, it was great to have my own printer! 

After I had made and painted all the parts, I assembled the various sub-areas.


All the tools were made according to those used in the 1950's.

For the backdrop, I had a scene printed onto backlight material. (Backlight material shows the picture when a light source is placed behind it. In this case, a circular LED).

This would be glued behind the back window panes. 

Then it was a matter of gluing everything in its place before finally closing it all up….

….. connecting the power and flicking the switch to set the mood.

Making the aircraft was easy. I had wing ribs laser cut for making a loose, uncovered wing. This was followed by a dry-fit to determine the placing of the sub-areas.