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This is a base I made for a friend for him to be able to display his car models in a more complementary way than simply plonking them on the judging table.
(His models are winners!)
Fortunately, I also do the occasional carpentry and love working with wood, because this was quite a challenge to get shiny.
When people hear that you build model ships, the first question often asked is "have you built a ship in a bottle?"
Some guys cut the back off bottles along the seam line, then build a small ship, shove it in the bottle and then seal the bottle again .
The more challenging way is to build the complete ship and fold the masts down.
At this point, you would also add any simulated waves, sea, beach, rocks, etc. into the bottom of the bottle. Then you would insert the ship into the bottle, globe, or whatever you chose to use, then push the masts back up into position. and VIOLA!! You have a ship in a bottle that will make people wonder how you got that in there!
Now I too, can say that I have built a ship in a bottle. (I used the latter method)