The Encounter

This is one of my favourite builds. Tamiya SAS LRDG jeep. 

Making a Stand

Not much to say here, other than I started using streaks at this point. Tamiya 3.7cm Anti-Tank Gun. I made this in 2016.

Enemy at the Gates

Another of my favourite builds. I made this in August 2016 and was inspired by the movie "Enemy at the Gates" 2001. I know that Vasily Zaytsev, the Russian sniper in the movie, did not have a spotter, but let's say I took artist licence.

I used the remaining figures from Zvezda's Russian sniper kit.


More fun at learning weathering techniques. This time on Tamiyas "Winter Flak Crew", and "German 20mm Flakvierling 38". It was an attempt at a washed-out winter weathering effect. As a buddy taught me: "first make it look good, then add weathering".
These guys are having something to eat whilst waiting for someting to shoot at.