Cut eight rectangles of 5 x 10mm from 0.3 brass shim stock. Mark off 2mm across the width, and bend the plate at this mark in a vice.
measurements are for 1/10th scale
Lift the bent brass out of the vice jaws just enough to fit a rod having a diameter of 1mm underneath.
Using pliers, bend the plate over the 1mm rod.
Bend the u-shaped end of the plate around a pin having a diameter of 0.5mm, “tucking” it in well.
Pair the plates and put them back to back in the vice. Using the marking pen technique, mark off 1.6mm from each end on both plates.
Remove one plate and remove the outer brass from the one left in the vice. Put the untrimmed plate back, and double check the markings.
Secure the two halves of the hinge with a brass pin.
Drill 2 holes (0.5mm diameter) in each half of the plate, 1mm from the bottom edge, and 1.5mm from each side.
Cut the sharp edge of the pin, leaving 1mm protruding. Flatten this with a pliers, or a vice so that it is wider than the hinge hole it fits into. File this down to leave only a 0.3mm stub.
Once you have verified where the markings are, remove the trimmed plate and remove only the inner segment from the (as yet) untrimmed plate. They should fit into each other once complete.
File and sand away any scratches made by the pliers.
Holding small parts for painting can be tricky. I suggest taping a length of masking tape (sticky side up) to a newspaper, and gently placing the small parts onto that.
The masking tape glue will give just enough grip to prevent the pieces from being blown away if you use a pressurised paint (eg. an airbrush, or aerosol can).