Lessons I Have Learnt
- Making components from brass as opposed to wood is more of a mental issue than a physical one.
- Using an airbrush to spray with is not rocket science.
- A Jeweler’s saw works best with slightly coarser blades for cutting wood and brass.
- It is more often than not quicker to remake a small component that has fallen to the ground than it is to find that fallen component!
- Concentrate when taking measurements.
- Don’t use any material to make a component from unless you’ve tested that material for painting beforehand.
- If you make a mistake, it is quicker to remake the component than it is to fix the flop.
- It helps break any monotony/boredom if you work on two models at the same time – one easier than the other.
- "Sometimes, when you don't have the original handy to build from, you have to pick and choose the details you want for your model and run with it." (Bill Hudson, 2010)