The idea for this diorama was simple: barn on a farm, a rare car, being bought by a collector.
The kits (all 1/24th scale)
Looking at references, I started making my own trailer. That turned out too intense, but then I found the Revell kit and and opted to modify the trailer to suit my purposes instead.
that, I realised that though the farmer is a huge man, he is not unrealstically tall as this is the height of many rugby players. In other words, the farmer could easily be a retired rugby player (or simply a very big guy!) With this new realisation, I might very well get to finish this one day after all...
I only used the trailer from this Revell kit. I cannot find a photo of the resin farmer.
The car was a relatively easy build.
Except for getting the body colour even and relatively smooth, making the Land Cruiser was also not difficult.
From the outset, I realised that the farmer was of a bigger scale but I thought the difference would be negligible. However, when I put the two guys next to each other, the farmer was very big by comparison.
When I put them in position relative to the car though, they looked fine but the picture of them side-by-side haunted me and my mojo for this diorama faded and was pushed out by other builds.
What I did not do at the time though, was to measure the farmer and work out the full scale height. When I did
Then I painted the MasterBox figure, followed by the GK Resin figure.