Ferrari 365GTB/4 Daytona Spyder

Completed June 2023

This is the build progression of a Fujimi 1/24th scale Ferrari Daytona from the Enthusiast Model series that someone asked me to build for him.

I told him "I don't do shiny" but he said "it's ok if you mess it up. I don't mind what it looks like, I merely want one in my collection. Nobody will get close enough to see your mistakes".

And with that reassurance in mind, I set about building the best out if the box model that I was able to.


Website builder issues aside, I continued building this model and here is a brief account.


The kit went togethjer very well and without any issues.

I started with the engine, making a jig to help get the plug wires all neat and tidy (Reference photos showed that the ignition wires are indeed very tidy!) I used 0.5mm binding wire for the ignition wiring and 1mm wire for the spark plug connectors

Turn. Don't Burn.

It's as easy as 

(click to find out more)

For the carpeting, and because I don't really think that the flocking method preferred by most people looks very realistic, I decided to first conduct some tests. 

Eventually, I decided that

Eventually, I decided that material from a pair of old pajamas, sprayed matte black, had exactly the desired texture and scale. I cut templates of the floor, transferred them to the material, cut them out and viola! Decent-looking carpets (i.e. to scale).


I have heard of bad decals, but not yet had this experience - until now. This is a really old kit and the decals simply disintegrated. I managed to fix look of the dash by printing a photo of the dashboard, making little loops from 0.3mm wire, which I put on the picture. This gave the instruments a 3D look (thanks to my friend "mr G" for this tip!) The decals inside the engine bay were a total lost case, and even prints didn't look crisp enough, so I simply painted some rectangles silver and called it a done. 

Paint job