D7 Bulldozer

Completed July 2019

This 1/35th scale MiniArt model was challenging due to, not only the intricate details incorporated into the parts (as is typical of MiniARt kits), but also due to the plastic being brittle – especially on the finer parts. It was nonetheless, a most rewarding build – maybe because of all the hassles!

From the outset, I knew that this would be a very well used dozer but I did not know how I would do the final presentation until much later on.

On with the other parts, weathering each part individually as I made them….. Fortunately the internet had MANY references.

I was happy with the results.

One of the connector pipes was way too short and I had to lengthen it. It was not simply a flat piece but had perpendicular piece, so I taped it down to steady it, the cut it at a joint and was able to save the day by adding a piece of styrene rod without too much hassle.

Deciding that the operator would need some protection from the elements, I made a canopy, using styrene and thin aluminium from a baking sheet.

I decided to display this dozer as one abandoned for the weekend, during which it snowed, so I first weathered it as one would expect a dozer working dirt t be weathered. Then I applied snow (well… actually bicarbonate of soda!) 

When studying the instructions, I quickly realised that I would have to paint this model as I progressed because of the small parts, and compact build sections. I started with the engine,

I hasten to add though: the engine had so many tiny parts that I had to cross each one off on the instruction 

sheet as I fitted it. Had I not done that, I would have run the risk of having a lot of spare parts!

The engine was followed by the blade. The detail was beautiful, the parts fitted nicely and the build proceeded quickly!  I painted an oxide rust-coloured base as there would definitely be rust – I love rust!! I started applying the salt technique from the get-go.

Making the chain was fun! MiniArt sure is good value for money for the discerning builder who wants a challenge. (Pus I got the opportunity to make another jig!! I love making jigs!)