These are not exactly "Dioramas" in the true sense of the word, but these builds are better suited under this category than under "Plastic Models".


We have a piece of wall in the sitting room that was begging for something to be put there, so I decided to make these three boxes. The quality of the kits are exactly what is common from Tamiya, so the builds were not overly complex and everything fitted nicely. As I was simply having fun, I did not take photos of the builds so please simply enjoy looking at them. 

Bike Boxes

I like what I did with this one most. It wasn't easy though. 

I try and steer clear of decals and photo etch when building models but, this one had MANY decals.


These bikes are not perfect in isolation, but I think the picture as whole, looks good. (My opinion!)

I 3D-printed all accessories.   

Completed October 2021