Here, you'll find a glimpse into my world of tiny things. This website displays the scale miniature models I pour my heart into – both finished and under construction.
If offense is taken, none has been intended, so lighten up.
All opinions expressed are my own, unless otherwise quoted.
All photographs, ideas and other content displayed on this site is the property of REMMM and may not be copied, used or distributed without prior written consent from REMMM by using the contact form.
By entering this site, you agree to these terms and conditions.
Click to see my latest updates as well as a gallery of all my previous projects. Clicking on a picture in the gallery will open a new page where you can see the details of that particular build.
(click to find out more)
My journey to this point, as well as some evidence of my dabbling in photography can be found under the "About Me" dropdown in the top menu.
I hope you enjoy and are inspired by what you see.
Please send your comments, questions or suggestions to me via the Contact page.